Why I don’t care about going viral

I want to create useful content.

There are already articles on how 2013 killed the concept of virality. Everyone tried so dang hard to go viral, the internet is now broken and we are all disenchanted with headlines like “I knew I loved the Beatles, but I had no idea they would literally save my dying mother’s life– and do something even MORE incredible in the meantime”.

So I’m over it. Thanks, internet, for solidifying that as soon as an idea is completely in, it’s already on its way out.

Instead, I’m shooting for 2014 to be the year of Useful Content. I want to read and write things that help people learn new skills, build better things, and contribute something of value to the world. Yes, I’ll laugh when Conan trolls a Lyft driver again. But I’ll bookmark, favorite, star, like, +1, repin, reblog and share content that helps. Content that builds. Content that contributes.